
October 17, 2010

Good Enough

While blog hopping this afternoon, I ran across this posting from a blog called The Inspired Room. It's such a good reminder of priorities and not to turn good things (even budget decorating!) into an idol and a time hog. Which I can have tendencies to do sometimes- ugg! Here's a teaser:
"How long could we be content with what we have right now? When I declare to myself that I am in a “good enough” season, it helps me to refocus my eyes off of ME and MY OWN WORLD. When I really enjoy something, like working on my home or even something like blogging, it is easy for it to become an obsession and a self-absorbed addiction. And that is just not a good thing for me. I need to find balance for my own health and well-being, as well as for that of my family. I need to step away sometimes. When I am in a 'good enough season,' I am freed up all the more to open my home to others and volunteer my time for other things. If I fill up my free time being outwardly focused, I have less free time to obsess over details of my own house. A 'good enough season' keeps me from falling into the trap of perfectionism and helps me remember that I already have all the blessings I need."
Read the whole thing though, it's helpful and refreshing. Check it out!


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